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Photo of Emilio Bona Paredes Spain

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Bona Emilio Paredes. Barcelona in October 1940, at a young age I felt a great attraction for the drawings of humor comics, comics were then called. A great admirer of the missing characters Bruguera and TBO, Louie and others did various courses on a high note but had no never professionally. I conducted several studies of drawing "seriously" in AFHA, CEAC, books, etc. It was not until the 90's that I studied in...

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See everything we offer you!
8.66 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
11.81 x 16.14 in
10.24 x 14.96 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
14.57 x 18.90 in
14.96 x 18.50 in
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Bona Emilio Paredes. Barcelona in October 1940, at a young age I felt a great attraction for the drawings of humor comics, comics were then called. A great admirer of the missing characters Bruguera and TBO, Louie and others did various courses on a high note but had no never professionally. I conducted several studies of drawing "seriously" in AFHA, CEAC, books, etc. It was not until the 90's that I studied in academia, with the Barcelona artist Carmen Marcos's first guided me in life drawing. I also did some natural landscape in the same city with a teacher. With this little background Tárrega entered the academy in Barcelona where I did several courses in natural figure of stone models. Maribel teachers had Tárrega, Francesc Riart, et al. I also received the Rafael Garrich councils and other artists.

In 1997, a small group of people in the world of comics and publishing, founded the Museu del Comic i la Il · lustració in Barcelona. Once installed, my main task, along with director Josep M. Delhom and a couple of partners, we began to organize temporary monographic exhibitions, workshops for children from initiation to the comic I was teaching, promoted by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya and comic journeys to different schools of Catalunya. Converged over time with my income in 1994 in the Ateneo de Cultura de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, entering soon in charge of teacher or workshop leader, with over my drawing classes for children and adults drawing and painting, combining work in both entities, the Museum and the Ateneo de Cultura, activities still share.

Exhibitions in which I participated:
Ateneo de Cultura Popular, en l'Hospitalet Harmonia. 1996 Room 1995 Art Bellvitge Sant Jordi - Progrés l'Hospitalet. 1997 Bellvitge Art from 1995 to 2002 two annual exhibitions l'Harmonia de l'Hospitalet (Barcelona). 2002 to 2009 year exposure to the Centre Cultural Barradas de l'Hospitalet. 2006 Moonlight Restaurant l'Hospitalet. Room 1996 Sant Jordi - Progrés l'Hospitalet

Since 1996 continuously collaborate with illustration work in the journal Xipreret de l'Ateneo de Cultura Popular. On posters and brochures.


1998 June Comic Strip Museum Monograph Buxadé Jordi.
1999 May Carrillo (Carr) Master of the adventure.
November 2001 Felix Carrion The comic September 2000 Classic Great Inventions of the TBO.
June 2006 Exhibition Homage to Rafael Garrich 1930-1994
2007 November 1975 anys de l'Ateneo Popular Culture 1932-2007
Several years organized and participated in various art fairs and Sample-account de l'Ateneo de Cultura.
Johnston has served on various events art.

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